No events on calendar for this bill.
Representative Ted Davis, Jr.(R)
Representative George G. Cleveland(R)
Representative Mike Clampitt(R)
Representative Chris Humphrey(R)
Representative Jay Adams(R)
Representative Brian Biggs(R)
Representative Keith Kidwell(R)
Representative Donnie Loftis(R)
Representative Jeffrey C. McNeely(R)
Representative A. Reece Pyrtle, Jr.(R)
Representative Carson Smith(R)
Representative Frank Sossamon(R)
Representative Bill Ward(R)
Representative Harry Warren(R)
Representative Sam Watford(R)
Representative David Willis(R)
Ref to the Com on Election Law and Campaign Finance Reform, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the HouseHouse2023-03-09Passed 1st ReadingHouse2023-03-09Filed
FiledNo fiscal notes available.Edition 1
163 (Chapters); 163-227.2 (Sections)
No counties specifically cited.
H303: Reduce Early One-Stop Voting Days. Latest Version
Session: 2023 - 2024
AN ACT to reduce the number of early one‑stop voting days.
The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts:
SECTION 1. G.S. 163‑227.2(b) reads as rewritten:
(b) Not earlier than the third Thursday second Saturday before an election, in which absentee ballots are authorized, in which a voter seeks to vote and not later than 3:00 P.M. on the last Saturday before that election, the voter shall appear in person only at the office of the county board of elections, except as provided in G.S. 163‑227.6. A county board of elections shall conduct one‑stop voting on the last Saturday before the election from 8:00 A.M. until 3:00 P.M. That voter shall enter the voting enclosure at the board office through the appropriate entrance and shall at once state his or her name and place of residence to an authorized member or employee of the board and present photo identification in accordance with G.S. 163‑166.16. In a primary election, the voter shall also state the political party with which the voter affiliates and in whose primary the voter desires to vote, or if the voter is an unaffiliated voter permitted to vote in the primary of a particular party under G.S. 163‑119, the voter shall state the name of the authorizing political party in whose primary he wishes to vote. The board member or employee to whom the voter gives this information shall announce the name and residence of the voter in a distinct tone of voice. After examining the registration records, an employee of the board shall state whether the person seeking to vote is duly registered. If the voter is found to be registered that voter may request that the authorized member or employee of the board furnish the voter with an application for absentee ballots. The voter shall complete the application in the presence of the authorized member or employee of the board, and shall deliver the application to that person.
SECTION 2. This act is effective when it becomes law and applies to elections held on or after that date.