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Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the SenateSenate2025-03-05Passed 1st ReadingSenate2025-03-05Filed
FiledNo fiscal notes available.Edition 1No fiscal notes available.
105 (Chapters); 105-277.1C (Sections)
No counties specifically cited.
S228: Disabled Veterans Tax Relief Bill. Latest Version
Companion Bill: H118 : Disabled Veterans Tax Relief Bill.
Session: 2025 - 2026
AN ACT to modify the disabled veteran property tax homestead exclusion to exclude from taxation the percentage of appraised value of a primary residence owned by a disabled veteran that is equal to the veteran's disability rating.
The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts:
SECTION 1. G.S. 105‑277.1C reads as rewritten:
§ 105‑277.1C. Disabled veteran property tax homestead exclusion.
(a) Classification. – A permanent residence owned and occupied by a qualifying owner is designated a special class of property under Article V, Section 2(2) of the North Carolina Constitution and is taxable in accordance with this section. The first forty‑five thousand dollars ($45,000) of appraised value of the residence is excluded from taxation. A qualifying owner who receives an exclusion under this section may not receive other property tax relief. The amount excluded from taxation is as follows:
(1) Disabled veteran exclusion. – For a disabled veteran, the exclusion amount is the product of (i) the appraised value of the residence and (ii) the percentage of the qualifying owner's disability rating, as determined by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs.
(2) Surviving spouse exclusion. – For the surviving spouse of a disabled veteran, the exclusion amount is equal to the greater of (i) the amount excluded under subdivision (1) of this subsection as of the date of the disabled veteran's death or (ii) the first forty‑five thousand dollars ($45,000) of appraised value of the permanent residence, provided that the applicant establishes eligibility for such exclusion by providing certification from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs that, as of January 1 preceding the taxable year for which the exclusion is claimed, the veteran's death was the result of a service‑connected condition.
(b) Definitions. – The following definitions apply in this section:
(1) Disabled veteran. – A veteran of any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States whose character of service at separation was honorable or under honorable conditions and who satisfies one of the following requirements:has received a certification by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs indicating that, as of January 1 preceding the taxable year for which the exclusion allowed by this section is claimed, the veteran has been assigned a disability rating of fifty percent (50%) or greater for a service‑connected condition.
a. As of January 1 preceding the taxable year for which the exclusion allowed by this section is claimed, the veteran had received benefits under 38 U.S.C. § 2101.
b. The veteran has received a certification by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs or another federal agency indicating that, as of January 1 preceding the taxable year for which the exclusion allowed by this section is claimed, he or she has a service‑connected, permanent, and total disability.
c. The veteran is deceased and the United States Department of Veterans Affairs or another federal agency has certified that, as of January 1 preceding the taxable year for which the exclusion allowed by this section is claimed, the veteran's death was the result of a service‑connected condition.
(e) Other Multiple Owners. – This subsection applies to co‑owners who are not husband and wife. Each co‑owner of a permanent residence must apply separately for the exclusion allowed under this section.
When one or more co‑owners of a permanent residence qualify for the exclusion allowed under this section and none of the co‑owners qualifies for the exclusion allowed under G.S. 105‑277.1, each co‑owner is entitled to the full amount of the exclusion allowed under this section. The exclusion allowed to one co‑owner may not exceed the co‑owner's proportionate share of the valuation of the property, and the amount of the exclusion allowed to all the co‑owners may not exceed the exclusion allowed under this section.property.
When one or more co‑owners of a permanent residence qualify for the exclusion allowed under this section and one or more of the co‑owners qualify for the exclusion allowed under G.S. 105‑277.1, each co‑owner who qualifies for the exclusion allowed under this section is entitled to the full amount of the exclusion. The exclusion allowed to one co‑owner may not exceed the co‑owner's proportionate share of the valuation of the property, and the amount of the exclusion allowed to all the co‑owners may not exceed the greater of the exclusion allowed under this section and the exclusion allowed under G.S. 105‑277.1.
(f) Application. – An application for the exclusion allowed under this section should be filed during the regular listing period, but may be filed and must be accepted at any time up to and through June 1 preceding the tax year for which the exclusion is claimed. An applicant for an exclusion under this section must establish eligibility for the exclusion by providing a copy of the veteran's disability certification or evidence of benefits received under 38 U.S.C. § 2101.certification.
SECTION 2. This act is effective for taxes imposed for taxable years beginning on or after July 1, 2025.